Monday, May 18, 2015

Pineapple and wedding quilt

Time for some more quilts.  This first one is a fun one made as a wedding quilt for their friends.  Just in time for their first anniversary!

 Then comes a beautiful pineapple quilt.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Some more of what I've been up to along with the other stuff of life.

Have an up coming sibling trip in May which is always a great time.  The 8 of us range in age from 75 down to 53.   We don't always go far or go for more than 4 days but it gives us a chance to just be siblings and talk about whatever and do whatever.  Four girls and 4 boys so we alternate who plans the trips.  This year it's our brothers.   It's a wonderful time with all the talking and laughing and reminiscing.  No spouses or kids, just us.

Granddaughter Kate is having a Golden 13th Birthday this month.  She's a sweetheart.

Okay now for the pictures:
I see they didn't load in order.  Especially loved the quilt with the buildings.  Pictures are not the best of that one.  Used to take pictures of all my quilts but not so much any more.

Til next time, diane

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Happy Easter Everyone

                                                 Alleluia!       He is Risen

Friday, February 13, 2015

The latest two quilts so far this week.  The first one is a 48x48 size baby quilt and is flannel.

The second quilt is a churn dash done with reproduction fabrics.  Beautiful quilt.

That's what's been happening in my world......

Monday, February 9, 2015

Pretty in Pink went home today

Isn't this quilt so pretty.  Even if one didn't like pink, they would have to.  Mary picked beautiful designs for it.

Had a most wonderful lunch with my 16 year old grandson today.  We have some of those most interesting conversations and Jack is never at a lose for words.  Such a delightful young man.  Then we shopped and I can still say all those nice things about him.

Now I might just settle down at the sewing machine and see what I can accomplish.  If anything I may post pictures later.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

January Endings

January is almost over and no more posting from me which can only mean I've been too busy balancing.  I truly have,

Took in the movie American Sniper with Ken .  Good movie. The local theater has been updated since our last visit and it's quite impressive.  Just like sitting at home in the recliner.

Some of the quilts that have been done recently.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

My Balancing Act of Life

No resolutions for me in the new year.  I don't seem to keep them.

However the word BALANCE comes to mind for me in 2015.  I have a need to get my life in balance.  It has been anything but balanced.  Some days it's like being on a boat that is rocking back and forth.  Thus far I've been able to hang on.

To me "Balance of Life"  is a state in which different things have an equal or proper amount of importance.  Balance is a means of judging or deciding my mental and emotional steadiness right along with my physical and along with all the other aspects of life.   It's important to keep your life in balance.

Time for my personal balancing act to begin.  That personal part is pretty basic, but oh so hard to keep at it.  That being my commitment to getting myself into shape.  There that says it all.  You know whether it's doing it at home or at the gym it has to become a routine.  It also includes watching what I consume.  Eliminating what I know are my most vulnerable areas is where I am starting.   Drinking calories...... out.  Portion control has to be addressed.  Snacking in the evening after dinner....out.  It sounds so easy but know it won't be.

There are many other areas in my life that need to be balanced and they will be addressed, but first off I must get my personal self  off to a good start this year.  I know when I exercise each day or at least 5 days a week and I eat less and healthy,  my body is good back to me.  I will have more energy to deal with the rest of my life that needs balancing, which are running my business, being a caregiver and anything else that involves running a household. I plan to write about my balancing act as the year goes on.

So here is to a Wonderful New Year to anyone that reads this and I'd also like to be a better blogger from here on out.  I just didn't take the time or the energy needed in the past.